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Riders on the storm...

Blah. Bad bad storms this weekend. There was a pretty amazing electrical storm on Saturday that blew out our power for a good long while. It sounded like the lightning was striking nearby, it was so loud. It almost sounded like it hit the antenna on top of the building, since I thought I heard an electrical sounding noise inside the apartment. Spooky. Luckily, the only casualty of the storm was my Ethernet card. Lord knows how exactly that happened. The DSL modem was fine, everything else in the computer was fine (except for an oddly overactive and loud CPU fan... but that seems to have calmed down now). I guess it's possible that it was on its last legs and died of fright from the storm. Who knows? Ah well. I went to Best Buy and picked up a new one and everything's happy now. At least it's better than the first year we lived in the apartment when every time there was an electrical storm and we lost power, the caller ID box would get fried and we'd have to get a new one.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 13, 2001 9:50 AM.

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