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Me 'n' Bruce... and Ryan... and other people...

Me and Bruce Campbell
Yes, that's me and Bruce Campbell at a book signing at Olsson's Books and Records in Arlington, VA. I had a much longer posting here, but blogger ate it before I even got it posted. I guess I took too long to write it, my login timed out, and there was no way to get the text back. I'll edit this later on and put back in what I remember of it. Or maybe I'll just leave you with this short version. I had a good time. Waited 2 hours to have my book signed. Sounded like a complete idiot when I sat and chatted with the guy as he signed my book. Pretty much what I expected to happen. :) But it was nice having my first celebrity encounter. And he seemed like a generally nice and easy-going guy who enjoyed being with his fans. Which is always good to see.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 28, 2001 10:19 AM.

The previous post in this blog was "But what about those black bars?".

The next post in this blog is Oh, Bruce....

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