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Goonies are good enough

Watched The Goonies this weekend on DVD. Though I didn't love it quite as much as I did when I was younger, it still was a great flick. I still have to watch it with the commentary, which should be a real treat. Though I've read that a lot of the actors involved didn't remember a lot of things, so it might not be that great after all. It was cool seeing the old Cyndi Lauper music videos, though. I hadn't seen those in FOREVER. It was so weird seeing all the old wrestlers in her videos. Back then, it seemed like wrestlers showed up in everything, from music videos to cartoons to sitcoms. Maybe I just don't notice these kinds of things as an adult, but it just doesn't seem to happen as much any more. Though I just can't see The Rock joining up with G.I. Joe.

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